Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!

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Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!

Hello, dear friends, this is poisonous tongue!

In the morning, the poisonous tongue king looked at the private messages of Huiyou, and found that some Hui friends wanted to ask if ammarkets reliable?

Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第1张图片-要懂汇圈网

Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第2张图片-要懂汇圈网

First of all, we can see that AMMARKETS has 5.51 scores. Many investors in the exposure area have proposed that the platform deliberately pulls money to eat money to set up investors without losing money, or delay gold and other issues.Let's take a look at what happened to AMMARKETS. What is going on?

There are two official websites of ammarkets, but one of them has been closed:


Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第3张图片-要懂汇圈网

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第4张图片-要懂汇圈网

    Ammarket's official website claims to hold multiple supervisors of FINTRAC and the United States (NFA):

    1. FINTRAC regulatory company: AdvancedManagementCapitalImited

    Regulatory certificate number: m20460719

    2. US (NFA) regulatory company: AdvancedManagementCapitalImited

    Regulatory certificate number: 0537944

    Canada (FINTRAC)

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第5张图片-要懂汇圈网

    As shown in: ADVANCEDMANAGEMENTCAPINTCAPITALLIMITED's AdvancedMarket's AdvancedMarket's AdvancedMarket does hold the supervision of FINTRAC.

    but!Back to Ha!FINTRAC is an independent institution that reports to the Minister of Finance and is responsible for the Parliament Activity Center.Strive to prevent money laundering and funding terrorist activities while ensuring the protection of personal information, FINTRACT does not regulate foreign exchange!Intersection

    IIROC is the Canadian foreign exchange regulatory agency. Other institutions must be authorized and approved by IIROC to do foreign exchange retail business!And Canada's foreign exchange supervision is not a truly foreign exchange supervision, and can only be traded offline to exchange coins offline!

    So: The FINTRAC license of the securities firm AMMARKET is not regulated with foreign exchange transactions!IntersectionIt's just a vase!

    American (NFA)

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第6张图片-要懂汇圈网

    After searching on the official website information, it was found that AdvancedManagementCapitalImited holds an American (NFA) ordinary financial license, a non -member license.

    Non -members of the United States (NFA) are exemption licenses, with regulatory numbers, and non -members show on the website.The registration time is relatively cheap.

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第7张图片-要懂汇圈网

    As shown in the figure, the US NFA does not supervise non -member companies!

    So AMMARKETS's AdvancedManagementCapitalImited is not regulated by the US (NFA) licenses of the company!

    At present, the officially declared AMMARAC's FinTraca AdvancedManagementCapitalimity and the United States (NFA) DVANCEDMANAGEMENTCAPITALIMITALITALITALIMITA

    Then, the core question comes:

    Which company does the real transaction on the MT4 platform?Is there supervision?

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第8张图片-要懂汇圈网

    Poison Tongue Jun downloaded the MT4 link on the official website of AMMARKETS. We can see that the front end of the download link is AMMARKETS's official website link. This is some companies without registered official MT4.,,

    The Baijiao Provisions will help Baibiao buyers to register an overseas company, and at the same time help them pass the customs supervision, and then provide various technical services.Both of the MT4 are not purchased directly from MT4's official (Midaqi).MT4 can't bear to buy it?Its safety coefficient poison tongue king is really difficult to evaluate ...

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第9张图片-要懂汇圈网

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第10张图片-要懂汇圈网

    Through the account, we can see that the MT4's trading account company is named: AdvancedManagementgroundgroundgroundGroupllc, registered in St. Vincent!

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第11张图片-要懂汇圈网

    As shown in the figure: The company's regulatory license was not found at the San Wendeson Financial Services Authority!

    Therefore, Ammarkets uses ordinary registered companies far away from San Vincent on MT4 to pretend to be a regulatory company for foreign exchange transactions!San Vincent itself does not regulate foreign exchange transactions!How dangerous is it to mention "unlicensed driving"!No supervision constraints!Don't you want to do it!

    Belarusian Central Bank (NBRB)

    The poisonous tongue king also found the regulatory license of the Belarus (NBRB) of AMMARKET on the exchange. The inquiries are as follows:

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第12张图片-要懂汇圈网

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第13张图片-要懂汇圈网

    The Central Bank of Belarus (NBRB) Supervision Company: LLC "AMMARKETSCAPITALLIMITED"

    Regulatory certificate number: 193583860

    As shown in the Figure: The LLC "AmmarketScapitalInd" of the brokerage Ammarket's LLC "AMMARKETSCAPITALLLLD" does hold the Central Bank of Belarus (NBRB) supervision.It should be noted here that the transaction authority authorized by the Belarusian Central Bank (NBRB) to authorize LLC "ammarketScapitalIn" is "financial derivatives, etc.".

    The common feature of financial derivative products is margin transactions, that is, as long as a certain percentage of margin is paid, full transactions can be performed.Through signing with (designated investment) banks, a trust investment account is opened, and a fund (security deposit) is deposited as a guarantee, and the credit operation limit is set by (investment) bank (or brokerage bank).

    And AMMARKETS's account leverage has reached a high value of 500: 1, obviously exceeding the leverage limit of foreign exchange margin transactions!The risks are great, I don't need to say more about poisonous tongue, right?

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第14张图片-要懂汇圈网


    The United States (NFA) and FINTRAC licenses displayed on the official website on the official website make novice investors mistakenly believe that as long as these big nations are the safest brokers as long as they hold these big nations!However, it is essentially a MT4 transaction with a unique San Vincent registration company to scam money!Intersection

    Poisonous Tongue Jun called on investors:

    1. Be sure to fully understand the company's information.

    2. Check the supervision information and find the company's regulatory license for transactions and effective foreign exchange.

    3. Be sure to confirm whether the trading company is a supervised company.

    Don't be blindly invested by the packaging eyes, and don't hold the platform that will not run the platform without running the platform. Even if a friend recommends it, you must carefully investigate.

    Friends who do not understand the inquiry can also ask for help "Poison Tongue Jun" or "Exploration of the Circle", pay attention to the "to understand" platform, check the platform trend at any time, update the latest developments in real time, and escort your security investment.

    Detective QQ: 3464399446

    Understand the exchange of power and power group: 762516501

    Foreign exchange fraud is a serious criminal act!If you are deceived, don't be afraid, take action immediately, seek help, and safeguard your rights!

    ✉ Notification:

    已 To understand that the current market has been launched on various malls, users can scan the iOS version and Android version through QR code:

    P By understanding the "Exposure" channel to understand the exchange app:

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第15张图片-要懂汇圈网

    讯 More information such as brokerage information ranking and other information is to understand remittances:

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第16张图片-要懂汇圈网

    Black platform AMMARKETS transaction is not regulated!Square leverage is over -operated!Refuse to pay money!false promotion!-第17张图片-要懂汇圈网

    标签: MARKETS AR io

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