Learn is as high as 2000 times!RoboForex's problem platforms are frequent!

要懂汇圈网 376 0



High leverage has always been a mechanism that Brother has suggested investing in Xiaobai or even most investors should not touch. Its risk needs a strong and strong ability to resist risk.High leverage will increase a lot of profit and loss. If newcomers have not had so many experience, once the loss may directly lead to the account of the account, it is recommended to trade in the case of low leverage.EssenceIn order to attract gambler -like investors, some problem platforms will choose ultra -high leverage!Some are even as high as 1: 2000!Let ’s understand my brother to summarize a few high -leverage platforms of 1: 2000!Everyone should pay attention! 


BDSWISS dynamic leverage that is included in the British FCA's blacklist can be pulled to 2000 times!

Learn is as high as 2000 times!RoboForex's problem platforms are frequent!-第1张图片-要懂汇圈网

It means that you only need a few margin to control a large amount of assets in order to obtain higher profits in the market.However, please note that trading under high leverage may also bring huge risks.

Learn is as high as 2000 times!RoboForex's problem platforms are frequent!-第2张图片-要懂汇圈网

2. Roboforex

Learn is as high as 2000 times!RoboForex's problem platforms are frequent!-第3张图片-要懂汇圈网

The official website claims that "how many cash discounts and welcome bonuses, leverage is even as high as 1: 2000, and the return can reach 10%." These are just means that brokers attract investors.


First of all, Ultimamarkets does not have a relatively normal regulatory license, and the company that transaction between MT4 does not have foreign exchange supervision, which causes customers' funds to be guaranteed at all.And use the routine of the donation to cheat customers' funds, and then harvest it.There are so many platforms that allow leverage to pull to 1: 2000 ...


Learn is as high as 2000 times!RoboForex's problem platforms are frequent!-第4张图片-要懂汇圈网


These platforms are not only more problems, investors are not guaranteed, leverage is as high as 1: 2000!High leverage has become a means of attracting investors to the problem platform, and investors must not be fooled easily.

标签: Forex

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